Buhari is a household name all across Nigeria, which is why the candidate is bound to win the ongoing elections by a significant margin over the rest of his opponents. With the majority of votes in 16 out of 33 states, it goes without saying that the candidate is quite popular.
Well, he has indeed won it. He has a strong base in the north which makes up 40 to 50% of the country's population so it was always going to come down to how much of his base would vote for him and they turned out quite unsurprisingly in their numbers. His major challenger, former vice president Atiku Abubakar was, in my opinion, the wrong choice by the opposition party PDP. He's well known for the corruption cases dangling over him like the sword of Damocles. He chose a running mate from the eastern extraction, a base that's been so oppressed at the federal level and still nursing wounds from a not so distant violent quelling of its succession intentions and has grown apathethic to the political system of the country. Buhari was always going to win this non-battle. The country has had to decide between the devil and the deep blue sea but the road ahead to a corruption-free Nigeria is at the very least foreseeable with a Buhari presidency than an Atiku one.