submitted over 5 years ago by lukeSky
- The article discusses the GSMA Ecosystem Accelerator team's visit to Ethiopia for the Startup Ethiopia event, where they explored the country's growing tech ecosystem and potential.
- The event showcased over 120 startups pitching their ideas, with Green Bean winning the grand prize, highlighting the country's budding entrepreneurial spirit and the government's commitment to supporting innovation and digital access.
over 5 years ago
These are the kind of news I like to hear. Reading this has made me feel the same way I felt a couple of months ago on twitter when I discovered that a Nigerian fintech, Paystack, was doing incredibly well in Nigeria and most part of Africa. It is good that countries in Africa are starting to take the matter of tech seriously and have begun to match words with actions. What Ethiopia is doing is both an inspiration and a model for the rest of Africa. Ethiopia (Nigeria should hear this too), giants don't sleep, they make things happen. We will see better days.