People are going to turn to telegram pretty soon. Whatsapp has been great but it's no longer serving as good as it was intended to. Telegram is offering options that we prayed subsequent updates from Whatsapp will introduce, instead we get new updates every week that have nothing new, only filling your phone the more. That in addition to the frequent downtimes Whatsapp has been experiencing means a case should be made for telegram now more than before.
This is so true. When I first had this revelation some months ago, I was thrilled. A bunch of features are available on the Telegram app that the Whatsapp app lacks, from unlimited group members to capacity to send rather large files to utmost privacy and security. I think this is greatly responsible for the recent proliferation of use. Like you've rightly said, while Whatsapp has been great, but Telegram provides a broader spectrum of options, and Ethiopia is seeing this. If Whatsapp continues like this, the rest of Africa, soon, the world will also see it, and what happened to Nokia and Blackberry will happen to Whatsapp.